Brexit whitepaper blunder says UK employees are entitled to ’14 weeks holiday allowance’





An embarrassing error has been found in the UK government’s Brexit report regarding the amount of holiday leave employees are allocated. The report was released last week by Prime Minister Theresa May, but it has been received with questions over how much care was taken when writing it up.



On the page comparing British and EU standards for holiday and maternity leave, which included a chart, it claimed that UK workers are entitled to 14 weeks paid holiday annually, ten weeks more than is stipulated by EU law. However the error, which appears to be due to a mislabelled key for the chart, raises questions by those particularly who are concerned that Brexit will effect their workers rights.



Uncertainty seems to be the key word in any form of Brexit talk, a feeling that the government has done little to help. Many workers in particular are worried that their rights which are protected in many forms of European law may not be transferred or will be more restricted in the UK governments re-evaluated legal framework of the working landscape. This report did seek to reassure it has failed to do so.

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