An article on Personnel Today has reviewed 4 key ways in which companies must tackle the gender pay gap that still blights the UK.
Employers are now compelled to publish details of their pay gap on an annual basis and ACAS recommends that all businesses devise an action plan to tackle the issue, however it is purely voluntary whether businesses follow these guidelines. Gillian MacLellan has identified four key areas that they should be looking at; Pay, progression, recruitment and flexibility.
Companies should audit their companies pay, analysing why they have the gap and taking legal advice on discrimination. Pay gaps may still remain and be legally sound, if there are more males at the head of a company then there are likely to be pay gaps whatever precautions are taken. However a company must continuously review their pay in regards to this, to keep up to date and informed on there own business equality.
Businesses who lack women in their leadership are likely to be accused of discrimination but a number of processes can help them get more female figures at the top of their organisation. Initiatives to get senior women back after career breaks or maternity leave can fill the gap, or mentoring schemes to increase the numbers of women in these roles.
Companies should look at their recruitment practices, particularly if roles are advised in a more bias way towards male candidates.
Increased flexibility in senior roles has been shown to help women progress to senior roles. It is time for companies to start challenging the perception that high up roles can’t function under reduced or flexible hours, a perception that has been proven to be false.
For any issues regarding you or your companies gender pay gap, please get in touch with higher performance consultancy on this website, on the phone or via social media.
Link to full article: http://www.personneltoday.com/hr/four-key-actions-tackle-gender-pay-gap/