The importance of diversity in the workplace

In today’s society having a diverse workforce is one of the most important elements to succeeding as a business and this has been supported by Business Journal 2014, when they carried out a study on over 800 businesses. The conclusion reached was that companies who employ a gender-diverse company have 14% higher average comparable revenue than less diverse business units. Diversity is classified as a top priority in most companies and shows consumers that they understand their needs, are acceptable to change and development, especially in today’s market. What employers sometimes fail to recognise is that having a diverse workforce can sometimes be seen as an act of employee engagement, practicing a personal approach from the employer by providing an open and modernised workforce.


What can be gained by having a diverse workforce?

Mutual Respect– not only can respect be achieved between colleagues, but from the wider circle too, including managers, business owners and most importantly consumers. Learning more about different cultures and people worldwide helps create a shift towards Equality rather than building walls between one and other.

Conflict resolution– a harmonious workplace can also have a positive impact on those who are eminent to repel change, they are more likely to alter their attitudes and beliefs when meeting new people. Resolving conflict can not only help build relationships, but can help your organisation become more engaged leading to greater productivity and reduction in the time spent by managers dealing with issues.

Business Reputation– advertising diversity might be one of your most successful marketing strategies. Every good employer brings with them an army of competitors who are always seeking new ways to achieve market advantage. Having diversity in the workplace encourages employees to promote the business on a wider scale and could increase profitability and provide job promotions for staff within the organisation and potentially show consumers that you are willing to go that extra mile to prove what type of business you are.

A diverse workforce can make your company stronger and make your employees work alongside you in creating a positive and productive workplace. Diversity will help increase growth in your organisation and with that you will look like attractive to outside candidates.

There are lots of different ways in which companies can encourage and support diversity and if you would like any on diversity within the workplace then please get in touch with us at:

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