mental health

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental illness has become a big talking point after the realisation of the scale of the problem and the number of people that it affects. As a result, new methods to help break the stigma surrounding mental health need to be implemented.


Within a workplace environment, it is vital that staff feel they can talk openly about mental health and therefore creating a policy where it is acceptable to talk to someone is vital. This will positively affect the individual and also the business as 50% of absences are due to work-related stress, anxiety or depression.


Here are some suggested methods to help employees in managing or relieving the impacts of mental ill-health:


1. Talk about your feelings


When talking about feelings many people see it as a weakness, however, this is not the case and in fact, is an incredible sign of courage and strength. Talking to someone about the way that you are feeling can help to relieve pressure and make you realise that you are not alone and that actions can be taken to make you feel better.


2. Exercise


It is a well-known fact that when exercising endorphins are released which create a positive feeling within your body. Regular exercise can also boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, feel better and improve sleep.


Experts advise that 30 minutes of exercises, five days a week can have a massive positive impact on your mental well being.


3. Balanced diet


It is a well-known fact that what we eat can affect the way that we feel and our energy levels. However, food can also have a long-lasting effect on your mental health as your brain requires numerous different nutrients in order to function and stay healthy.


It is recommended that your diet includes lots of different fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts/seeds, dairy products, oily fish and plenty of water. Maintaining a diet that includes these different elements will not only benefit your physical health but also your mental health.


4. Drink Responsibly


Alcohol is often used as a way to change the way that we are feeling, it can be used to make you feel happier and lively but can also be used when someone is feeling low and down. For many people, alcohol provides an escape from the way that they are currently feeling. This, however, is not good for mental health and is something that is not sustainable if you want to live a healthy life, both physically and mentally.


Additionally, many people use nicotine or drugs to suppress the way that they are feeling, however, the effects are short-lived and therefore is not a sustainable way to improve the way that you are feeling. These methods do not solve problems but in fact, create them.


5. Keep in contact


During stressful and low periods in your life, it is vital that you stay in touch with loved ones and friends. Having strong ties to family and friends can help relieve stresses in your life as they can make you feel included and cared for. They can offer unconditional love and support no matter how you are feeling.


Even if it is not possible to talk to someone face to face, just give them a call or drop them a message to show that you are thinking of them and that if they ever need to talk to you they are able to no matter what.


If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, here is a list of recommended resources that may well be of help.


If you have any queries with regards to the content of this article then please do not hesitate to contact a member of the HPC team:


T: 0151 556 1975

E: contact@highpeformanceconsultancy.comm

Twitter: @HPC_HRservices


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