The past year has been very hectic in terms of HR. The fast moving technological methods are taking place across every industry, with more and more businesses using disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is therefore impacting on the way in which we work and also the skills that are required for employees to do their jobs. 2019 therefore presents employers and particularly HR departments with new kind of challenges, such as incorporating AI in the workplace, in the least troublesome manner.
The World Economic Forum stated that between now and 2022, jobs that are routine based, such as auditors or those on manufacturing lines, will be more vulnerable to advancing technologies within the workplace. However, this does not mean that everyone in those job roles will be replaced, their job roles will just change. This is where a company’s HR is vital as the department can help with the onboarding process when new technologies are implemented.
As well as helping with the implementation process of the new technologies, HR departments will also need to be proactive in terms of recruitment and considering the skills that will be required in the future. With new technology being used, businesses will need skilled workers who can programme, maintain and fix the new technology being used.
2018 was widely regarded as a job seekers market, and it is thought that 2019 will follow suit. Therefore due to a limited talent pool, employers will have to evaluate the offers that they are making to potential employees in order to make it an offer they cannot refuse. The change in dynamics in the recruitment industry might mean that it is not just solely an increased wage that makes people want to accept their offer, instead a chance for career development may motivate someone to join a business.
As a result of the market structure, many businesses are opting to implement talent management systems to help with recruitment. This will enable businesses to help employees with their own career progression in accordance with the businesses aims and objectives.
At the present time most companies have a HR system in place in order to help manage their business, and on these systems there is often a large amount of employee data. Therefore it is important that businesses harness this information in the most effective and appropriate manner in order to benefit the business, an example of this would be running reports on employee absence. If the data that is processed by the HR systems is analysed correctly, the business will be able to evaluate performance and identify trends.
The typical working day of doing the hours 9 to 5 is not so typical anymore, with flexible working on the rise. This new trend is seen as a major benefit for employees and may be a key factor when deciding where to work. Even though flexible working has many benefits such as less commuting, a better work-life balance and high employer retention, there are also concerns over how it impacts collaboration within a team.
Therefore, 2019 presents a challenge to HR departments as businesses try to adapt to flexible working practices whilst also maintaining efficiency. This could see the implementation of digital devices and strategies in order to overcome obstacles that may be faced.
Trading on a global scale is the goal for many companies as this offers a wider platform to try and sell their product/service, which in turn will increase profit. However, as companies grow and get bigger it is important that local practices are taken into account. This will be advantageous as methods of working in one place e.g. London may not be appropriate for another city such as Liverpool. Therefore it is vital that businesses adapt their HR policies depending upon location.
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